Thursday, April 18, 2013

Food... fresh from the basement

Just what have I been fixing, in my basement laundry room turned kitchen??? (that almost sounds like I've been cooking up something illegal, no such luck.)  Paninis, lots of paninis. Although, Chicken Noodle Soup is in the crock pot right now, because it's April 18, and it's snowing outside...  Anyway, back to Panini's.  I found the Food Network's 50 best Panini Recipes, and printed them up, I also found "Panini Happy"  a wonderful blog, dedicated to Panini's. 

I've discovered my husband had NO CLUE what he was talking about, when we were in San Francisco, and he opened his mouth to tell me "I don't like sourdough bread."  Because what he ment to say was "I've never had sourdough bread."  It's a panini favorite for him.  He likes ham, whatever sliced Cheese I have on hand (kraft singles do not count as cheese when it comes to paninis, they're really runny, harder cheese, stiffer cheese works a lot better), typically Mozzerella, Provalone, Meunster.  Virginia Ham is terriffic.  Some sliced tomatoes, and something dark green; Spinach leaves, or Arugula, are delicious.  Put them on hard bread, Sourdough, Seeded or Unseeded Rye, Chibata Rolls, and press :).  Last night, we had Turkey Bacon Ranch sandwiches.  Sourdough bread, ranch on the bread (thin), Provalone, Spinach, Tomatoes, Turkey, Bacon, and Tomatoes.  Really good.

A few nights ago, I was tired, and I was stumped. I cooked up some Schwans chicken patties (my husband used to love these, almost as much as he loves a burger fresh off the grill), I brought them out, and his face fell.  He wanted a  Panini.  Oh, good to know, he's in love with the panini press too.

Sun Dried Tomato Pesto works great as a sandwich spread, so does traditional Basil Pesto, so does olive oil.  And I just keep mixing up the combinations...

And as great as Paninis are, I really miss an oven baked chicken breast.  I'm looking forward to my kitchen being done.  Soon.  I might even get to put stuff in cabinets next weekend... So soon... and when our kitchen is done, what will we do with the panini press?  Find a nice spot for it in the kitchen.  It doesn't need to live in the fruit room (pantry) downstairs, with the crock pots and electric skillet.  It will get used more often than those.  Because the man I married, who had said, "I don't like lunch meat sandwiches, I eat enough of them when I'm in the tractor" has become a fan of a hot deli sandwich, a Panini, and I've always been. :)

PS: even peanut butter and banana sandwiches taste better off the panini press.

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