Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Empty garden boxes

Today is May 21... Today is May 21, and I haven't planted a single vegetable, anywhere, in my yard, this year.  Everytime my garden boxes start to dry out, we get more rain.  My husband is having the same issue, on a larger scale.  Of the 5 springs we've been together, he's finished planting his corn and soybean crops, on, or with in a few days of May 21.  He's just getting his planter switched over to plant soybeans, and needs at least 10 fully plantable days, for his planter, and our other planter, to get the crop in the ground.

Did I mention, we have a baby on the way?  My due date is June 13, but our first came 13 days early, and you just never know when babies are going to decide to arrive.  Extra stress on him.

Anyway, back to my garden... I looked out my kitchen window this morining, and the one box that contains my strawberry plants, has blossoms.  I have no vegetables, and my strawberries are blossoming... My garden is screwed...  So, this afternoon, I hope to seed my salad pots, I hope to seed my rainbow swiss chard into my flower beds (they're pretty).  My peppers have always done better in pots, and I hope to get those cleaned up and painted (all pots are getting painted white this year), today, for planting later this week.

I would like to sew some beans and peas, as quickly as possible, but might save the peas for a late summer planting, and harvest into fall...

I need to get off the computer, and get busy.  Happy planting, everyone!